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American Drivers Feeling Conflicted About Self-Driving Cars

New AAA Survey reveals a lack of trust in the technology (but they still want it!)

New Jersey Drivers Express Concern about Testing, Data Sharing


Hamilton, NJ, March 7, 2017 - A new report from AAA reveals that most U.S. drivers want autonomous technologies in their next vehicle, but they still fear the idea of a fully self-driving car.


Despite the prospect that autonomous vehicles will be more safe, more efficient and more convenient than their human-driven counterparts, three-quarters of U.S. drivers still report feeling afraid to ride in a self-driving car (unchanged from AAA’s 2016 survey) and only 10 percent report that they’d actually feel safer sharing the roads with driverless vehicles.


“The race is on toward self-driving cars but consumers are proceeding with caution, as well they should,” says Tracy Noble, AAA spokesperson for AAA Mid-Atlantic. “AAA is urging the gradual, safe introduction of these technologies to ensure that American drivers are fully prepared for the transition.” the majority are afraid to ride in a fully self-driving vehicle, the latest survey also found that the majority (59%) of Americans are keen to have autonomous features in their next vehicle. This marked contrast suggests that American drivers are ready embrace autonomous technology, but they are not yet ready to give up full control.


“U.S. drivers may experience the driver assistance technologies in their cars today and feel they don’t work consistently enough to replace a human driver – and they’re correct,” says Greg Brannon, AAA’s director of Automotive Engineering and Industry Relations. “While these technologies will continue to improve over time, it’s important that consumers understand that today’s systems require your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel.”



New Jersey Survey


Here in New Jersey, drivers are also feeling conflicted about autonomous technology – though a separate AAA statewide survey found that most (53%) believe that they will be routinely riding in a self-driving vehicle within 10 years. 


Beyond the findings of the national survey regarding safety concerns, 86 percent of New Jersey drivers surveyed expressed concern about the security of data shared by autonomous vehicles.


And, if New Jersey is planning to do any AV testing, 83 percent of those surveyed think that local and state governments should inform the public about when and where that testing will occur.


cid:image001.jpg@01D295D3.C21C0520Additional findings from the National survey include:

  • Half (54%) of U.S. drivers feel less safe at the prospect of sharing the road with a self-driving vehicle, while one-third (34%) feel it wouldn’t make a difference and only 10 percent say they would feel safer.

  • Women (58%) are more likely to feel less safe than men (49%).

  • Baby Boomers (60%) are more likely to feel less safe than Generation X (56%) or Millennials (41%)

  • The majority (59%) of U.S. drivers want autonomous vehicle technology in their next vehicle, while the remainder do not (25%) or are unsure (16%).

  • Millennials (70%) are the most likely to want the technologies, compared to Generation X (54%) and Baby Boomers (51%).

  • Three-quarters (78%) of Americans are afraid to ride in a self-driving vehicle.

  • Baby Boomers (85%) are more likely to be afraid than Millennials (73%) and Generation X (75%) drivers.

  • Women (85%) are more likely to be afraid than men (69%).

    To educate consumers on the effectiveness of emerging vehicle technologies, AAA is committed to the on-going, unbiased testing of automated vehicle technologies. Previous testing of automatic emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, self-parking technology and lane keeping systems has shown both great promise and great variation. This variation may be particularly concerning to consumers, with AAA’s survey revealing that 81 percent of Americans feel that automated vehicle systems should all work similarly and consistently across all vehicle manufacturers. Future AAA testing will look at how well systems work together to achieve higher levels of automation.


    “Every year, we lose approximately 35,000 people on America’s roadways, most as a result of human error,” Noble says. “Autonomous technology has the potential to dramatically reduce this number, but automakers, government agencies and safety organizations like AAA must continue working together to ensure that these new vehicles are safely tested and deployed.”


    For additional information about the survey, including a fact sheet and infographics, visit

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AAA provides automotive, travel and insurance services to 56 million members nationwide and nearly two million members in New Jersey. AAA advocates for the safety and mobility of its members and has been committed to outstanding road service for more than 100 years. The not-for-profit, fully tax-paying member organization works on behalf of motorists, who can now map a route, find local gas prices, discover discounts, book a hotel and track their roadside assistance service with the AAA Mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android. For more information, visit


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